Neo WAY is a global Teen Education virtual event aimed at teenagers in the 13-17 age group along the lines of the original “live” format hosted in Davos during the World Economic Forum week.
You can apply to attend more than one block (for instance both Saturday and Sunday), but because of time zones if you live in Asia or in the Americas you will notice that one of the blocks available is in the middle of the night! Those in Europe, Middle East and Africa should be able to join all four blocks if desired. As a selected Neo participant you can also request to watch the sessions you could not attend later as most of them will be recorded.
If you’d like to apply to join the virtual Global Neo WAY event, please prepare beforehand to briefly answer the following questions when making your application:
- Who’s the wisest person you know (of any age) and why?
- Share a situation which made you wiser in the past.
- What’s the funniest joke you know which is also related to wisdom learning?
Candidates accepted for this Neo WAY event will receive an individual Zoom invitation link. Please don’t share it as there’s an official guest list.
HOW TO APPLY TO PARTICIPATE: (Please follow the steps on the pictures)